How was your journey through the Portal?

✨✨11:11 Gateway – How was Your journey through the Portal?!✨✨ How has everyone’s 11:11 Gateway been? What you expected? Not what you expected? No matter what your experience KNOW that all is perfect and in perfect timing. For me the gateway was intense on a physical level. it took me to many extremes, tears, laughter,…

✨Voices of Hope – Book Launch Coming Soon!✨

✨✨Interview on Coffee with Jane – Book Launch Coming Soon!✨✨ Interview on Coffee with Jane Coffee With Jane Interview Series on Confidence, Healing and Wellness Louise Matson KEY INTERVIEW TOPICS Unlocking the door to your healing/channelling ability Bringing up the next generation unlocked Hope and Transformation Puppy Mayhem interrupts the interview Getting and staying aligned…

Let Go Of Your Attachments!

✨✨It’s not about letting EVERYTHING go but letting go of our ATTACHMENTS that matters!✨✨ This just came through me and I felt it important to share. We are being called to clear the density within that is holding us back from our highest next level however, sometimes it’s not about letting everything go but letting…

What’s In Your Backpack?!

✨✨What’s Still In Your Backpack?!✨✨ What are you still carrying in your backpack? This question keeps coming up for me time and time again. We are currently in the Lionsgate portal and the energies are strongly urging us to clear all that no longer serves so that we can shift to our next highest level…

Lionsgate 8-8-19!

✨✨Lionsgate Portal 8-8-19!✨✨ We are currently within the energies of the Lionsgate Portal. A two week period of intense energies gifting us the opportunity to shift to our next highest energetic level. You may have already been feeling the energies and the effects of this amazing portal. The portal opened on the 26th July and…

Lighten Up!

✨✨Lighten UP!✨✨ This message of ‘Lightening Up’ has been coming through in various ways for me recently. ‘In order to Ascend we must learn to lighten up’ This can be taken in so many ways none of which are incorrect. For me, I have been working on ‘lightening up’ in terms of releasing density and…

Meet Suffering with Grace!

✨✨Meet Suffering with Grace!✨✨ “Suffering is Grace” Richard Rudd, The 22nd Gene Key I have recently reconnected with the Gene Keys ‘Seven Sacred Seals’ program and the first seal to work with is Grace. I happen to have the 22nd Gene Key of Grace in my holographic profile (visit to receive a free holographic…

Feeling Stuck?!

✨✨Some realisations around ‘Feeling Stuck’!✨✨ Clients often complain to me that they feel stuck and in fairness I too have felt ‘stuck’ many times in my life. But I feel it important to understand what this feeling is really about so that we can call it out when necessary or shift our perception of where…