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Fully Reclaim Your Power – Replay of 3 part LIVE Webinar Series

Original price was: £250.00.Current price is: £111.00.

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Fully Reclaim Your Power 3-part Webinar Series – Replay

Valued at £250 and yours for £111

Do you give up your sovereignty or the power of your truth to others?

Do you doubt yourself?

Do you feel blocked from standing in your power and utilising your gifts and talents and want to know why?

Do you want to release all of the blocks keeping you small and fully stand in your Sovereignty?


If So…


Join me for the replays of these 3 live webinars which build upon each other to enable you to Reclaim Your Power, Your Sovereignty and Let Go of everything you have called into creation that is blocking you from standing in your power.


In this webinar series you will receive channelled information regarding how and why you are blocking yourself from fully standing in your power and embodying your truth, your gifts and talents.  Spoiler Alert!! It’s all due to the fear and attachments we hold connected to the energetic memory signatures from our past lives!


Session One –

  • Preparing the ground for you to face the many roles you have played in various lifetimes that have created the distorted DNA profiles and blueprints that are currently blocking you from fully standing in your power and let them go.
  • A channelled Healing Activation to enable you to Let Go of All Energetic Attachments and All of Memory Signatures from Past Lives, Ancestral Lineages and Alternate Lifetimes that are blocking you from Fully Standing in your power. This is a process that can be repeated as many times as is necessary.
  • Feedback, questions and answers.
  • 2hr session held on zoom, recording available for replay.




Session Two –

  • Identifying which identity paradigm, you are operating from – Egoic /Personality Self or Eternal Self and to identify and own your perception of death.  Allow yourself to enter a space where you are willing and able to reframe your relationship with death, making it your most powerful ally!
  • A channelled journey to meet and converse with death to gain awareness of where your fear of death comes from and enable you to reconnect with yourself fully and wholly as a multi-dimensional eternal being of light!
  • Feedback, questions and answers.
  • 2hr session held on zoom, recording available for replay.




Session Three –

  • Passing through the gateway! The gateway is the doorway within your energetic field that you have created that stops you from connecting with and embodying the full force of your truth and power in this plane of existence.  Standing in front of your own personal gateway that has for so long, limited your access to your gifts, talents, strengths, power and deep inner knowing of your truth and has dulled your eternal flame.  Understanding that there is only a small portion of your being currently existing within this realm, but the vast majority is on the other side of the gateway.  
  • A channelled activation to open the gateway, the portal holding your energy separated from yourself in this reality and allowing all of your energy to exist in this plane of existence, merging all aspects of your ‘self’ and becoming whole. We don’t dissolve the gateway to get to a brighter future although this is experienced, we dissolve the gateway so that we can become Sovereign, embodying our full truth and power.
  • Feedback, questions and answers.
  • 2hr session held on zoom, recording available for replay.